Volunteer Planting Day at Elkhart
We couldn’t be more grateful to all the fabulous people who came out to help us plant the first whitebark pine seed orchard in the wild — you know who you are!
A crew of ~25 volunteers from all over BC and Alberta came out to the Coquihalla Connector to plant the first of the selected trees and rootstock that will form the basis of this new seed orchard. We brought a barbeque and lunch, and a good time was had by all!
WPEFC dedicated the new whitebark pine seed orchard to Don Pigott of Yellow Point Propagation.
Canadian whitebark pine restoration partners salute Don’s tireless work to make this long-held idea a reality. The culmination of many years of research and hard work by individuals and agencies, this orchard of endangered trees will produce well-adapted seed with resistance to the invasive fungus causing the fatal disease white pine blister rust. Seedlings from these seeds are the foundation for restoration and recovery.
Don’s enthusiastic sharing of his unique lifelong expertise in gene conservation, tree seed, and seed orchards has significantly advanced whitebark pine conservation and recovery.
The whitebark seed orchard was established on the traditional territories of First Nations who have always used and travelled through the land. We thank these Nations and members plus all of our supporters for sharing their interest, support, and knowledge.