Whitebark Pine Ecosystem Foundation of Canada (WPEF-C)

The WPEF-C is devoted to the conservation and stewardship of whitebark and limber pine ecosystems through partnerships, science-based active management, restoration, research, and education.



Whitebark Pine Ecosystem Foundation of Canada
606 Nelson Street
Kimberley, BC  V1A 2M6

Follow Us

Call us at 778-739-9733 | Email info[at]whitebarkpine[dot]ca

Need Seed!

Seed Purchasing

One of the central tenets to the recovery and restoration of whitebark and limber pine, is the need to plant seedlings. Whitebark pine seed may be available for purchase through the BC government Seedling Planning and Registry system for BC, but unfortunately, WPEFC no longer has seed available for sale, as we are using all of our collections for restoration and research purposes.

BC seed can cost anywhere from $5000-$7000/kg, although prices are subject to change.

All seed, including whitebark and limber pine, planted on Crown land in BC must meet the Chief Forester’s Standards for Use, be registered and stored with the Forest Improvement and Research Management Branch, and transferred within the Climate-Based Seed Transfer guidelines (CBST). Should you have questions regarding the standards or guidelines, or have questions about seed planning or BEC zones, see the above links for contacts. Also do note, that sometimes alternatives to the zoning may be approved.

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