Whitebark Pine Ecosystem Foundation of Canada (WPEF-C)

The WPEF-C is devoted to the conservation and stewardship of whitebark and limber pine ecosystems through partnerships, science-based active management, restoration, research, and education.



Whitebark Pine Ecosystem Foundation of Canada
606 Nelson Street
Kimberley, BC  V1A 2M6

Follow Us

Call us at 778-739-9733 | Email info[at]whitebarkpine[dot]ca

EcoFriendly West Article

EcoFriendly West is a weekly newsletter that celebrates the people, places, organizations, and projects that are playing a positive role in addressing environmental issues and protecting and maintaining the wild around us. Their goal is to make connections and highlight the commonalities between people and organizations who are doing similar work in different locations or common issues with differing impacts.

They were interested to learning about the importance of whitebark and limber pine to high elevation ecosystems and the threats to these species’ existence.

Here is their article
