Whitebark Pine Ecosystem Foundation of Canada (WPEF-C)

The WPEF-C is devoted to the conservation and stewardship of whitebark and limber pine ecosystems through partnerships, science-based active management, restoration, research, and education.



Whitebark Pine Ecosystem Foundation of Canada
606 Nelson Street
Kimberley, BC  V1A 2M6

Follow Us

Call us at 778-739-9733 | Email info[at]whitebarkpine[dot]ca

Drink whitebark pine!

Our resourceful President and his friends at Bohemian Spirits took the empty cone scales after seed extraction and distilled them! The product is this unique (slighty turpentine-ish) new addition to your liquor cabinet…while we haven’t tested extensively, we imagine that a drop or two of this will be the secret ingredient in your new cocktail of the year  🙂

And the best part? One dollar of every bottle sold goes to support whitebark pine recovery.
