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Updated Conference Agenda
We're getting close now! Please find the updated conference agenda here We'll...
Conference Travel Update
Are you coming to the Science & Management conference? Here are...
2023 AGM & Board Recruitment — Big Shoes to Fill!
Hello Canadian Members, Summer is winding down, making us look forward to...
Can you organize anything?
WPEFC is hiring a full-time Program Manager. The position is responsible...
2023 Training Schedule & Registration
WPEFC has delivered specialized training for consultants, field staff and others...
Pines & People: Human Impacts on 5-Needle Pine
The moment you've all been waiting for! WPEFC is pleased to...
Working With Industry in Whitebark Recovery
The importance of ski hills in the conservation of whitebark pine...
Forest Genetics Conference
The Western Forest Genetics Association (WFGA) and the Canadian Forest Genetics...
Saving Limber Pine…One Cone at a Time
Our partnership with the Nature Conservancy of Canada, has been incredible...